
Nutritional Therapy

What Is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is a form of functional medicine that believes most health concerns can be addressed with a holistic and personalized approach to nutrition. Most of modern society’s health problems, such as obesity, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and mental health problems, can be linked to poor nutrition and the inaccessibility to healthy, organic foods. Nutritional therapy involves investigating the root cause of your health concerns and curating personalized nutritional strategies to elevate your health and wellness.


Nutritional Therapy

Initial Visit


Follow-up Visit


Meet Diane Esqueda, Nutritional Health Coach

At FG Aesthetics & Medicine, nutritional therapy is led by Diane Esqueda, a certified nutrition consultant with a lifelong passion for natural health and nutrition.

Diane attributes her passion for natural health to growing up close to nature and developing a love of the natural world. Raised on a farm in eastern Washington State, Diane spent most of her time outdoors, where she delighted in picking fresh apples, cherries, and peaches from the trees in the orchard and watched her mother grow a huge flourishing garden filled with various fruits and vegetables, which she canned, froze, pickled, and included in home-cooked meals.

Diane learned to understand the wisdom of nature and how it equates to the inherent wisdom of our bodies and the similarities of the fine balance in our bodies to the fine balance in our environment. As a child, she developed a love of whole, fresh food, which she later combined with her innate interest and knowledge in physiological and emotional health. She keenly understands how nutrition and food affect your emotional and physiological health.

Education & Credentials:

Nutritional Therapy | FG Aesthetics & Medicine | Missoula, MT

Benefits Of Nutritional Therapy:

Your Personalized Nutrition Consultations

We offer personalized virtual health visits with a focus on functional health nutrition. Our science-based nutritional therapy focuses on whole foods nutrition and lifestyle changes that promote healthy nutrition habits. Our nutrition consultants educate clients on healthy eating habits, offer strategies and methods to overcome bad eating habits, and identify lifestyle factors that may contribute to bad nutrition. We offer the consistent support and guidance necessary to ensure all clients achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness.

We also understand that people may have certain limitations in terms of access to food, dietary restrictions, and lifestyle factors. Our nutrition consultants consider your lifestyle factors and preferences when curating a nutritional strategy. The only way that nutritional therapy works is if it’s sustainable in the long run. We focus on offering easily-implemented and accessible strategies that you can fit into your daily life. Since everyone is unique, all nutritional therapy sessions are personalized according to your needs.

Schedule An Appointment

FG Aesthetics & Medicine is a medical center dedicated to holistic wellness. We provide aesthetic treatments, mental health counseling, functional medicine, vitamin treatments, nutritional therapy, and weight loss management plans to improve your quality of life. We take a holistic and comprehensive approach to well-being, providing the tools necessary to help you achieve the best version of yourself. Please schedule an appointment for nutritional therapy in Missoula, Montana.

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Don’t wait to start your transformation. Book your consultation with us today and discover a personalized pathway to your wellness and aesthetic goals. Let us help you feel confident and radiant, inside and out.

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