
Hair Restoration

What Is Hair Restoration?

The loss of hair can be devastating to your self-esteem and confidence. Dense, luscious hair is often seen as a sign of health and beauty. But most people suffer from hair loss to various degrees as they age. Some people experience thinning hair, and others may suffer from androgenic alopecia, which leads to gradual balding and complete hair loss. We perform highly personalized hair restoration in Missoula techniques, such as PRF hair restoration and peptide therapy, to help you regain a full head of luscious hair.


Hair Restoration

Basic Hair Restoration PRF only (single/pkg 3)

$400 / $1,100

Advanced Hair Growth (PRF + Stem Cells)


Elite Hair Restoration (PRF, stem cells, peptides)

Hair Loss Treatment | FG Aesthetics & Medicine | Missoula, MT

Hair Restoration Corrects The Following:

How PRF Hair Restoration Works

PRF is widely considered one of the most effective techniques for hair restoration. The human blood contains numerous components, including plasma, platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells. The platelets contain a high concentration of growth factors, the components responsible for most of the healing properties in your body. When you’re injured, your body sends growth factors to the site of injury to stimulate clot formation and cellular regeneration. This property can also be harnessed to reverse the effects of hair loss.

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a specialized component with a high concentration of growth factors. We use the Bio-PRF horizontal centrifuge method to isolate and purify the platelet-rich fibrin, which ensures greater cellular distribution and a higher volume of platelets than traditional centrifugation. When the PRF serum is injected into the scalp, the growth factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and increase blood circulation and delivery of nutrients to the scalp, thus activating the dormant hair follicles.

When you suffer from hair loss, it’s usually because your hair follicles are dormant. PRF therapy increases blood circulation to the follicles, so they receive a higher volume of nutrients. This method activates the follicles, allowing them to grow hair. Over time, your hair will look dense, thicker, and more luscious.

PRF Hair Restoration + Peptide Therapy

PRF hair restoration is the gold standard for non-surgical hair restoration in Missoula. But we can also catalyze the results of PRF hair restoration with peptide therapy, ensuring advanced hair regrowth. Peptides are amino acids that form the building blocks of certain proteins needed for cellular regeneration and hair growth. When applied to the scalp, peptides reduce scalp inflammation and support the protein production that facilitates hair growth, thus helping you achieve healthy hair regrowth.

Hair Restoration | FG Aesthetics & Medicine | Missoula, MT
Hair Restoration | FG Aesthetics & Medicine | Missoula, MT

Benefits Of Hair Restoration:

The Hair Restoration Process

1. Consultation

Your hair restoration journey starts with a personalized consultation with Francienne. She carefully examines your hair type and condition, discusses your goals, reviews your health history, and curates the ideal treatment plan. She will explain your treatment options and the rationale behind her recommended treatment so you know what to expect.

2. Treatment

Your hair restoration journey may include PRF therapy with/ without peptide therapy. During PRF hair restoration, the cosmetic provider draws a small sample of your blood from your arm via a syringe. The blood sample is placed in a horizontal centrifuge to isolate the PRF serum, which rises to the top of the vial. The PRF serum is drawn into a syringe and injected into targeted areas on your scalp. If necessary, we may boost the results with personalized peptide therapy.

3. Recovery

Hair restoration is a completely safe procedure that concludes within an hour with no downtime. You may experience mild swelling, tenderness, redness, and bruising around the treatment areas, but there are no harsh side effects or complications. You can resume your daily activities immediately, but avoid swimming and strenuous workouts for a day or two.

Your Hair Restoration Results

PRF hair restoration in Missoula produces gradual results over several weeks and months. The PRF serum and peptides activate your dormant hair follicles, encouraging hair regrowth. Your hair will gradually look denser and more luscious over 3 to 6 months. Most people need 4 to 6 PRF sessions spaced a month apart for optimal results.

Dysport Injections | FG Aesthetics & Medicine | Missoula, MT

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Don’t wait to start your transformation. Book your consultation with us today and discover a personalized pathway to your wellness and aesthetic goals. Let us help you feel confident and radiant, inside and out.

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